Converge Direct,, one of NYC’s top leading Direct Response Agencies has made a small change that is making a big impact. It’s buying its k-cup compatible coffee from new start up, Delivering awesome blends, like Bold and Brazen, Medium and Magnificent and Vintage Vanilla Cream, in compostable pods* and Earth friendly packaging.
Considering that the average office of 30-40 people can easily consume 1,000 K-Cups per month which equals 4 cubic feet of waste, this creates enough waste to fill an entire office cubicle! Take that into a year’s time and we are potentially eliminating 12,000 K-Cups from landfills.
Employees Appreciate and Love it!
Thanks to the change workers at Converge Direct noticed and appreciated in the office, Managing Director Steven Jacoby said, “The folks in the office loved Tayst so much that they’re ordering it for their home too. We love that we’re leading by example and the small changes will have a life-changing effect.”
Cool new coffee setup
Tayst Coffee Jars store compostable* Keurig compatible pods… easy to reach, delicious to sip!
Craig and Greg, founders of Tayst, hand deliver their first order to Converge Direct. “Sharing a cup of coffee is like breaking bread… a start of a long green relationship. “ says Craig Handleman.
Tayst Coffee Disrupts the Home and Office Coffee Business
Challenging the $100 billion coffee industry, Tayst Coffee packages sustainably sourced Amazing Coffee into the world’s first Compostable pods*. Earth-friendly packaging brings you your coffee fix on a monthly subscription. To experience Tayst Coffee visit
Join the movement find out more about how to get started on making your office more green with awesome Tayst coffee