We commend the businesses and organizations doing their part in making positive change to our environment and planet. Here are some partners, customers and leaders pushing to be more green!
Great companies that will make for better organic waste management and a better future.

SouthEast U.S.
CompostNow collects food scraps from residents and businesses to help them reduce waste and support local gardens.

Living Earth
Southeast U.S.
Living earth is the largest recycler of tree limbs, brush, leaves and grass clippings in texas, even though they also process wood chips, animal manure and sawdust. Living earth is a company with numerous locations and extremely low disposal costs. You can do your part for the environment while saving money!

break it down austin
Austin, TX
Break it Down Austin envisions a world where resources are valued, not wasted. No one works harder at composting and recycling than the crew over at Break it Down.

Scraps is a pedal powered compost pickup service for the Mile High City. Scraps collects compostables* (food scraps & more!) from residential buildings & businesses in Denver.

Pedal People Cooperative
A worker-owned human-powered delivery and hauling service for the Northampton, Massachusetts area

Let us Compost
LUC is a full-scale composting solution that brings practical food scrap and organics collection systems to life for the home, enterprise and municipality. We lovingly turn compostable* material into nutrient-rich soil.

US Composting council
The USCC is a national, non profit trade and professional organization promoting the recycling of organic materials through composting. They're involved in research, training, educating, and creating standards for compost.
Eco friendly products are sustainable products that provide benefits to the environment and society. here are some of our favorites.

EcoEnclose believes in a future where humans and the earth are thriving together, where humans are a net positive, “regenerative” force for our planet and humanity.

Green Paper Products
Green Paper Products offers environmental friendly and compostable* paper products for homes and offices.

The Honest Company is an honestly safe baby and beauty store that brings eco friendly formulas to all their products.
green certifications
Green certifications are used to signal the environmental friendliness of a product. Look out for the ones we feature!

green circle certified
Green Circle Certified Assures Accountability In Today’s Evolving Market. Providing Third-Party Certifications For multiple Environmental Claims.

(BPI) Biodegradable Products Institute
BPI is North America’s leading certifier of compostable* products and packaging. Their certification program ensures that products and packaging displaying the BPI logo have been independently tested and verified according to scientifically based standards

Green Seal
Green Seal® takes the guesswork out of identifying proven-safer options with guaranteed performance.
coffee certifications
Coffee certifications tell you about the productive practices used to make coffee. These certifications make for ethically sourced coffee!

USDA Organic
The labeling requirements of the NOP apply to raw, fresh products and processed products that contain organic agricultural ingredients. Agricultural products that are sold, labeled, or represented as organic must be produced and processed in accordance with the NOP standards. Except for operations whose gross income from organic sales totals $5,000 or less, farm and processing operations that grow and process organic agricultural products must be certified by USDA-accredited certifying agents.

RainForest Alliance
They are an alliance of farmers, forest communities, companies, and consumers committed to creating a world where people and nature thrive in harmony. From fighting deforestation and climate change to building economic opportunities and better working conditions for rural people, the Rainforest Alliance is working to solve urgent environmental and social challenges.

Fair Trade Certified
The Fair Trade Certified™ seal represents thousands of products, improving millions of lives, protecting land and waterways in 45 countries and counting. Purchases have sent $551 million to farmers and workers since 1998.
Bloggers that keep yourself informed about the latest environmental issues.

Their mission is to inspire positive change. They do this by giving people the information they need to educate and encourage them to live a sustainable lifestyle. You can find all of the information you need to do that here.

Green Lodging News
Green Lodging News, a Hasek Communications L.L.C. publication, is the lodging industry’s leading environmental news source. Glenn Hasek is the publisher and editor. Created in 2006, Green Lodging News consists of the Green Lodging News website.