Starting your day with a cup of coffee isn’t a luxury anymore, it’s now a standard of living. If you run a hospitality business, providing hotel coffee supplies is to be expected. At this point, it’s almost expected that a hotel cup of coffee will be both watery and burnt, without anything resembling a true quality cup of coffee.
Establishing a hotel coffee service that prioritizes quality over quantity can end up being greatly beneficial to your business. From the hotel coffee machine to the message behind the coffee, you want to use a coffee brand that helps grow loyal customers, and therefore, business. Pair this with a message that states you are an eco-friendly hotel, you will get loyal customers who appreciate your courtesy and respect your mission.
Why Should A Sustainable Hotel Provide Coffee?
Hotel coffee service is by far the most popular drink served in hotels. On average, hotel restaurants and cafeteria coffee make up 50% to 80% of all annual sales during social events and conferences, many times more than bottled water or soda. Keeping your guests happy and loyal to your hotel requires providing them with elevated versions of the daily essentials.
According to research from UCC Coffee, 75% of hotel guests find in-room coffee poor or average, with 30% saying that this would not encourage them to return to the hotel. In the competitive world of hospitality management, having your hotel stand out requires a distinct angle that your guests aren’t going to forget anytime soon. Due to the importance of coffee in almost everyone’s daily routine, having high-quality hotel coffee service with a message won’t just help your guests start a beautiful day with a good cup of coffee, it’ll help them remember your hotel long after they finish that cup of coffee.
Is a Hotel Coffee Machine a Smart and Sustainable Hotel Practice?
Single-serve K cup machines are easy to use, and intuitive, and deliver that same great cup of coffee you can expect from your local coffee shop. As the head of a hospitality business, you are catering to a potentially wide variety of guests from all walks of life. Make sure you have a hotel coffee machine that gets the job done. You don’t need flashy lights or highly specialized options on an everyday coffee machine. What your guests care about is just having that first sip of morning coffee. Making that process as easy as possible with a hard working coffee machine that is easy to use.
That process of convenience doesn't have to be wasteful though. There are plenty of ways hotels can be greener, but investing in eco-friendly K cups is a great way to provide quality coffee and help promote an eco-friendly message.
What Sustainable Hotel Coffee Supplies Should You Pick?
As we mentioned before, you should pick a coffee that not only tastes good but also has a valuable message of sustainability behind it. Tayst Coffee provides ethical coffee that is brought in eco-friendly and compostable K cups*. A hotel coffee service should be a reflection of the hotel itself, and when you provide a cup of coffee that is connected to a positive message on saving the environment and doing your best to keep the Earth safe, you are saying your hotel cares about the Earth, and wants to do its part in making the world a better place.
Tayst Coffee's Hospitality Package has already helped many other hotels step up their eco-friendly game. Join our list of hospitality partners, which include Marriot Newport, Hotel Van Zandt, Big Sky Montana, and many more. Call us, or take the Tayst Test and to see what Tayst can do for you.